Posts Tagged ‘Learn How To Sew’

Sewing Projects For Travelling

Saturday, July 10th, 2010

One of my sewing students from my sewing classes here at Rosewood Cottage in Australia made a lovely warm blue fleece jacket to take on her travels to New York!

Here Rose is featured wearing her lovely jacket in the snow and shares some fantastic sewing pictures with us below!

Statue of a man sewing on his sewing machine!

A giant button on the side walk in the fashion centre!

Snowing in New York!

Thanks Rose it looks like you had an amazing time! I can’t wait sew my travel wardrobe and travel to New York City too!

Happy Sewing,

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes

For more information contact:
Maree Pigdon Sewing Centre
T: +61 3 5264 1666

Drawing is FUN!

Sunday, June 13th, 2010

In-between all my sewing, Jacqueline and I had another painting lesson and it was so much FUN!

Jacqueline??created this gorgous ‘Kitten In A Handbag’ picture with pastels.

We just loooove kittens!!!


I finished my ‘Dashing Roses’ and now I’m looking for inspiration for my next painting project! If you have any ideas for me please post a comment below!


Happy Sewing,

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes

For more information contact:
Maree Pigdon Sewing Centre
T: +61 3 5264 1666

Marilyn's 60th Birthday Sewing Luncheon

Friday, March 26th, 2010

We finished off the term with another BIG BIRTHDAY with Marilyn Davidson turning 60! We had a lovely luncheon party for her and it was just fabulous!

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 2

Here Marilyn cuts her birthday cake and makes a big wish! I am sure it was a wish for more fabric! ;-)

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 1

The girls helped celebrate! From left; Kath, Pam, Georgina, Marilyn, Mina, Trish and Maree

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 3

Delicious goodies to be eaten!

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 4

Marilyn with Maree

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 5

Having fun in the studio! From left; Trish, Marilyn, Maree & Jacqueline

We hope you have a wonderful 60th Birthday Marilyn!

Happy Sewing,

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes