Posts Tagged ‘Maree Pigdon Sewing’

Marilyn's 60th Birthday Sewing Luncheon

Friday, March 26th, 2010

We finished off the term with another BIG BIRTHDAY with Marilyn Davidson turning 60! We had a lovely luncheon party for her and it was just fabulous!

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 2

Here Marilyn cuts her birthday cake and makes a big wish! I am sure it was a wish for more fabric! ;-)

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 1

The girls helped celebrate! From left; Kath, Pam, Georgina, Marilyn, Mina, Trish and Maree

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 3

Delicious goodies to be eaten!

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 4

Marilyn with Maree

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes Geelong Marilyn 5

Having fun in the studio! From left; Trish, Marilyn, Maree & Jacqueline

We hope you have a wonderful 60th Birthday Marilyn!

Happy Sewing,

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes

Georgina's Dress – Simplicity 3503

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Georgina made a lovely dress for herself in Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes from a Simplicity Pattern No. 3503

Click below to watch her short video and learn two??changes she made to the original pattern. Also hear about the special places she has worn it!

Maree Pigdon Sewing Student News Georgina
Georgina was very happy with her dress and highly recommends this dress pattern being very comfortable to wear.

Well done Georgina and thank you so much for sharing it with us all!

Happy Sewing,

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes

Margaret's Dress – Vogue 8280

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Margaret made a lovely camel poly blend slim fitted dress with puff sleeves and skirt length to mid calve.

Margaret 3

Margaret made this dress from Pattern Vogue 8280. Margaret used the original sleeve pattern as designed and omitted the shoulder pleating and replaced it with gathering.

Margaret 5

Margaret lined her dress with gorgeous red satin lining!

The sleeves were padded along with boning from the shoulder seam to the hemline.

Margaret 8

We fitted Margaret’s dress exactly to her body shape as you can see here. She also added a wide black leather belt to complete the outfit.

Margaret 10

Margaret was delighted with the result and couldn’t wait to wear it out of the sewing school and to her special occasion! She highly recommends this pattern and will definitely made it again.

Well done Margaret you did a fabulous job!

Happy Sewing,

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes